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diagram of geology

Greensand Ridge
This contains Kentish Ragstone
used since Roman times as a durable building stone with some seams of high quality freestone.

Folkestone Beds contain a yellow sand and a chocolate brown building stone (owing to its high iron content).

Gault Clay when wet is a sticky bluish clay and when fired produces yellow bricks and tiles.

Chalk with iron and phosphatic nodules.  There are two seams of flints much prized by early man and a seam of a very hard chalk known as 'Melbourne Rock'

Surface deposits (known as drift) consist of an abundance of 3 levels of terrace gravels, various sands and stones, brick earth when fired producing red bricks, silica sand producing white silicate bricks.  Tufa is still being formed in the chalk streams

See Picture Gallery below

See Picture Gallery below



Folkestone Beds
Folkestone Beds

Gault Clay
Gault Clay